Справочник Санкт-Петербург
30 970 вакансий

Компания «Norbert Dentressangle Logistics Fresh» в Санкт-Петербурге


Norbert Dentressangle is an international transport,logistics and freight forwarding company. Norbert Dentressangle develops high added value solutions in its three sectors,across Europe, America and Asia,and places sustainable development at the heart of all its activities. It is established in 26 countries,employs 32,500 people and generates 59% of its turnover outside France. Norbert Dentressangle,which is listed on the CAC Small et CAC All Tradable,is headed by Hervé Montjotin.

For over 30 years, Norbert Dentressangle has experienced continuous and controlled growth. From its origins in 1979,with the development of international transport on the Europe-UK axis,until recent years,in which we have acquired a truly international dimension and have invested in new services and areas of expertise,our growth has been based on the objectives of keeping our customers satisfied,optimising our solutions every day,improving performance,achieving objectives and winning new markets.

In 2013 Norbert Dentressangle has entered into a 50/50 Joint Venture with the Danone Group to offer temperature-controlled logistics and transport of fresh products across Russia. The new company,which will benefit from Norbert Dentressangle s logistics and transport expertise and experience,will be responsible for the distribution of Danone s dairy products within Russia and aims to improve productivity and service levels. In addition,the JV will also offer its full range of logistics services to manufacturers and distributors right across Russia.

Вакансии «Norbert Dentressangle Logistics Fresh» в Санкт-Петербурге:

37 000 руб.

Опыт работы: от 2 лет. Опыт работы от 2 лет на складах высотой 10 -12 метров; права тракториста категории В нового образца.

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